
We give the best Services

Businesses today face a shrinking talent pool. In order to compete successfully, businesses must have the RIGHT people in the RIGHT jobs. To do this, they must improve their talent management. They must reinvent their recruitment and hiring processes and fill positions with the best talent possible.
Businesses must hire the right people for the right job and create the best environment possible to produce maximum performance. Each person brings their own set of unique skills, talents, and competencies to the job. The trouble is most organizations fall short in matching the job with the individual. The end result is poor job performance, higher turnover, and greater employee dissatisfaction.

Obsolete hiring practices and poorly trained interviewers are not helping the situation. The reasons traditional hiring practices are not working include:
90% of applicants ``exaggerate`` to get a job.
Most hiring decisions are made by intuition during the first few minutes of the interview.
Two out of three hires prove to be a bad fit within the first year on the job.
Most interviewers are not properly trained to interview applicants
Excellent employees are often put into the wrong jobs, failing to utilize their strengths and potential.
Recruitment Process

The Winngro team includes Managers, Recruiters and Associates from a wide range of cultural and professional backgrounds.

Okkiyam Thoraipakkam,Chennai – 600097.
(09am - 06 pm)